
Stretching our limits

Although the weather forecast was for rain, we were able to paint until 2 PM, at which time we quit and went to the Farnsworth Art Museum to see “Every Picture Tells a Story: N.C. Wyeth Illustrations from the Brandywine River Museum.” It started to rain just when we entered the museum. I believe in a God who loves …

A brief foray into indirect painting

“Adirondack autumn grove,” 12X16, oil on canvasboard, 2012(please excuse the reflections; my camera isn’t back yet) I had a few minutes in my studio the other day and was contemplating some “fails” from the field—plein air paintings that didn’t really work. Now, I have stacks of these, and they don’t bother me in the least… …

One Morning in Maine

With apologies to Robert McCloskey “Sunset at Marshall Point,” 8X6, oil on canvasboard, private collection People say, “Paint what you know,” but I’m more for knowing what I paint. That said, my knowledge of Maine has until now been surface deep. I’ve painted in Eastport and Lubec and the mid-coast region, but not in the …

Ten days on the road

Painting John Porter on the porch of the Irondequoit Inn. Normally, you develop a painting all over, in layers, but not if your model has temporarily disconnected his oxygen to pose. (Photo by Carol Thiel) September and October are New York’s grandest months, when our state throws off its sartorial rectitude and arrays itself in …

The nature of Nature

“Keuka Lake Vineyard,” oil on canvasboard, 9X12 This year I am teaching plein air painting in two venues. I believe that all aspiring painters should study plein air. Why? Character: The strength of plein air painting lies in its relationship to reality, but that is also its greatest weakness. Slavish homage to what one sees …