
Painting the absurd

Still life by Sandy Quang. About 18X24, oil on canvas. I’ve had several students painting and drawing a sprawling still life over the last few weeks. Sandy Quang has done a bang-up job with it. Sandy has a BFA from Pratt and is finishing her MA from Hunter College, so I must share some credit …

Something sketchy

Sketch for painting, 9X12, #2 pencil on vellum. Having assembled my reference photos for my upcoming project, it is time to do something with them. I am still only good for about three hours of work a day, but I mean to take advantage of those hours.  The apple tree was an icon in our …

When artists retire

“This was the first window I did,” said Gowing. “The window represents Holy Communion with grapes standing in for wine, and to my delight, John found glass that looked just like matzoh, the original communion bread. He painted in the air holes and edges. To date, John still hasn’t ever seen a matzoh in person, …

Freedom from want

Freedom from Want, Norman Rockwell, 1943 This Thanksgiving Day the average American will consume more than 4500 calories, accordingto the Calorie Control Council. I’m all for eating right, but I think the capacity of our nation to throw an annual bash is an unequivocally good thing. Thanksgiving is the most universal of American holidays—celebrated by …

I don’t object because it cheapens sex, but because it cheapens art.

William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with Sun (1805). This is what conceptual art used to be about. The Daily Mail reportedthat a young British art student plans to have sex in a public gallery for a project entitled Art School Stole My Virginity. It’s both sad and quaint that he imagines there’s …

Seven days of wood smoke and crackling leaves—Sir John Everett Millais

Autumn Leaves, by Sir John Everett Millais, 1856 I’m in Maine for my last 2013 painting workshop! The frost isn’t quite on the pumpkin (at least not in Rockland or Rochester) but autumn is in the air. I’m leaving some wonderful fall landscapes for you. Sir John Everett Millais was an English painter and illustrator …