
Pubescent erotica

(Note: this post contains an image that I find offensive. Read at your own risk.) ThĂŠrèse Dreaming, 1938, Balthus, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museumin New York has refused to remove ThĂŠrèse Dreaming, a portrait of 12- or 13-year-old ThĂŠrèse Blanchard showing her knickers. This 1938 painting by Balthus is ambiguously sexual. …

Keeping the beat

What’s important in painting? Master the basics and the mark-making will take care of itself. Mother of Pearl and Silver: The Andalusian, 1888–1900, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. This painting demonstrates the power of letting a single value dominate the composition.  My husband has this thing he likes to tell …

Messing around

“The light changed,” is a ridiculous complaint anywhere, but nowhere more so than on the sea. Somewhere in Eggemoggin Reach, as the rain cleared off. (All images by and reserved by Carol L. Douglas) My intent in going out on the American Eaglewasn’t to paint. I planned to relax, talk to new people, listen to …

Making choices

Every time you paint plein air you make choices. Frequently they turn out to be wrong. How do you deal with them? In the belly of the whale, by Carol L. Douglas When you are painting for fun, you have the luxury of scrubbing out bad ideas. When you’re painting in a competitive event, you …

Painting in symbols

Painting symbols of death and resurrection, I realized that there is no painting that can’t be improved by the addition of a boat. Overgrown, by Carol L. Douglas The only thing my paternal grandfather left us was his surname. He took off when my dad was a little boy. It was the start of the Great …

How do people stay awake to paint nocturnes?

At their best, nocturnes strip away all extraneous detail, leaving us with powerful impressions and nothing more. Nocturne in Gray and Gold, Westminster Bridge, c. 1871-1874, James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Courtesy Glasgow Museums. I’m preparing for my workshop at Schoodic Institute, which starts on August 6. There will be a full moon on August 7. According …

Recovering from failure

What do you do when it’s all going wrong, and there’s an audience for your fiasco? Can I finish this successfully? Gee, I hope so. I am tossing around a theory that there’s a sweet spot in composition. On one side, you have the so-called ‘perfect composition.’ We’re always upset when these don’t win prizes, …