
Judging watercolor sketchbooks and paintings

Grey is a beautiful color, but it doesn’t stand out in a crowd. Neither does weak design. Jonathan Submarining is one of my all-time favorite paintings, but it didn’t impress jurors overmuch. I’ve promised several readers I’d get back to them about my sketchbook choice for my Age of Sailworkshop. I’m supplying the materials, so …

Which way to Millinocket?

People ask me fascinating questions about painting in Maine, or about coming to America’s vacationland. Heritage and American Eagle on Penobscot Bay. Just another day in Paradise. Yesterday someone asked me, “Can I take the schooner trip without painting?” The answer is: of course! I chose American Eagle for my Age of Sail workshop because …

Monday Morning Art School: Visual Harmony

Five classic techniques for organizing your picture plane. Kaikroddare by Anders Zorn (watercolor) uses the principles of opposition and transition. Arthur Wesley Dow was a painter, printmaker, photographer and well-known art teacher in the beginning of the 20th century. He felt that composition was largely a question of proportion. He identified five elements of spatial harmony: …

Monday Morning Art School: Repoussoir

If your landscape is flat and delicate, you can introduce drama using this framing device.   Paris Street; Rainy Day, 1877, Gustave Caillebotte (courtesy Art Institute of Chicago). Repoussoir is a compositional technique where an object along the left or right foreground directs the viewer’s eye into the composition. The bracket is often done with a …

Four workshops this summer

One might be coming to a town near you. American Eagle and Heritage, photo by Carol L. Douglas I’m teaching four workshops this year, which is the most I’ve ever taken on. (I’m already in training, hiking around Rockport to get my endurance up.) They’re in different places, appealing to different tastes and budgets. If …