
Monday Morning Art School: the basic rules of oil painting

This weekend’s workshop was all oil painters. This gave me the opportunity to review some fundamentals. Nicole Reddington’s painting ruthlessly subjugated detail for design, and was tremendously powerful for that. I wish I had more student work to show you, but I can’t find my camera! Use enough paint Using too little paint is a …

Toning canvases

I tone my canvases bright red because it works for me, but you can choose any warm color. The important thing is that you always do it. I use a clapped-out oil-painting brush, but a 2″ wall brush works just fine and is cheaper. Imprimatura is the initial stain of pigment painted on a gesso ground. In …

How I plan to spend my summer (if it ever gets here)

Teenagers and artists choose interesting paths. Teressa studying painting in Rochester, many moons ago. Yesterday, I got two registrations in the mail for my Rochester workshop. Kamillah started painting with me when she was a junior in high school, working at a local diner so she could afford art lessons. Now she’s a graduate architect, …

Follow the money

What can we learn from contemporary animation? Waves of Mercy and Grace, Carol L. Douglas. Would I want to wander around a world that looked like my paintings? The global animation industry brought in about $254 billion in 2017, versus about $45 billion for the fine art industry. Unlike many other growth industries, big parts …