
Challenge to the ideal of femininity

Canadian painter Prudence Heward was an audacious post-Impressionist, and so much more. Rollande, 1929, Prudence Heward, courtesy National Gallery of Canada. When I first saw the painting above, I laughed aloud. I was painting badly, my nose dripping horribly. Young Rollandeperfectly echoed my mood. Kudos to the aficionado who texted it to me. Rollande’s discontent …

Monday Morning Art School: finding the super simple shapes

If you think it’s too complicated to draw, you’re looking at it all wrong. Winch (American Eagle), by Carol L. Douglas, courtesy of Camden Falls Gallery. This exercise builds on last week’s Monday Morning Art School, where we did simple drawings of our homes and then experimented with cropping them. The idea was to see beauty …

Autumn color is hitching up its skirts and getting ready to sprint

Interested in fall foliage? This is the ultimate road trip for a leaf-looker. Glade #1, by Carol L. Douglas. Watercolor on Yupo. We haven’t had a frost yet, but with each day I see a bit more color. To date, it’s mostly the sumacs and undergrowth, but the top of the birches are starting to glint …

The road home

How much of what we know is truth and how much is the convention of our times? After the final cutting, Carol L. Douglas In the 21st century, we are being driven inexorably toward higher and higher chroma (color intensity). This isn’t just happening in painting, but also in photography, home furnishings, and hair coloring. …

Clary Hill

Stone walls are a subtle reminder of the vast human labor that has gone into these fields. Clary Hill #2, by Carol L. Douglas. Watercolor on Yupo, full sheet. I ran into Kevin Beers in Damariscotta, and asked him if he’d ever been to Clary Hill, site of a painting by that name by Joseph …