
God save the Queen

One may be the Queen of England, the other a cleaner, but they’re both ladies of a certain age. Ena, by Ruskin Spear, available through Chris Beetles Gallery. Tom Root is a portrait artist I know only from Facebook. He—like many other artists—occasionally uses Facebook to post paintings that catch his eye. This is how …

The nuts and bolts of social media: what platform is best for you?

The internet is a powerful tool for artists, offering free or inexpensive direct and indirect marketing. Learn to use it. Ocean Park Beach, by Carol L. Douglas, available through Ocean Park Association. Put your strongest visual image first. I’m no marketing guru; I just developed this blog by the seat of my pants. I learned …

Who owns the right to reproduce your painting?

You, the artist, do. If a buyer copies it without your consent, he’s liable for damages. The Monarch of the Glen, 1851, Sir Edwin Landseer, has been used for everything from the Hartford Insurance Company’s stag logo to biscuit tins and butter wrappers. You can read its history here.  “A previous customer wants to use the painting they purchased as …

Ivanka is a problem only for really rich artists

Trump posing in her apartment before the Tony Awards. (Instagram) Alex Da Corte, whose small assemblages sell in the $18-25K range, recently tweeted, ““Dear @Ivankatrump please get my work off of your walls. I am embarrassed to be seen with you.” He is part of an Instagram feed called called â€śDear Ivanka” in which artists under the …

The internet and art

The Romans kept their ancestor-geniuses in boxes. (Okay, they were actually shrines.) This one, from the House of the Vettii in Pompeii, shows two Lares (or guardian angels), flanking the household’s ancestor-genius. When I went looking for Iván Ramos’ photos, it was very easy to come up with them, because he is practicing an open-source …

Amazing what you find if you clean your room.

From The Blue Beetle Faces the Destroyer of Heroes, Blue Beetle, Vol. 1, No. 5, November 1968, Charlton Comics Group, Derby Connecticut.  It’s Memorial Day. I’m not up to anything particularly deep about the meaning or execution of art. Instead, I’m giving you Steve Ditko being deep about the meaning of art and heroism: selected panels from …