Ready to start working with color?
If you’ve gotten this far, you’re well on your way to mastering oil painting. In this section, we’ll work on creating a solid foundation, one that not only looks good but will stand the test of time. We’ll cover:
- The three mantras of oil painting;
- Some refresher notes about basic color theory;
- Global vs. local color;
- Using color schemes to unify or brighten a painting;
- Different brushes and their uses;
- The practical business of getting that first layer down on your canvas with a minimum of fuss.
A solid base for your artistic vision
By the end of this course, you’ll know how to paint a first layer for an alla prima painting, and how to avoid cracking or pentimento over time. Whether you decide to add additional detail wet-on-wet, or this single layer is your finished product, you’ll understand exactly how oil paint is applied.
I really enjoy your lessons and I am beginning to see some progress in my painting.
Thank you! I would attach a photo of the exercise painting if I could figure out how. Lynne