
Blog posts

Relax and have fun

Relax and have fun

Carol L. DouglasJan 18, 20233 min read
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to have fun. That’s my goal for today; what’s yours?
Monday Morning Art School: composition starts at the beginning

Monday Morning Art School: composition starts at the beginning

Carol L. DouglasJan 16, 20234 min read
It’s been said that a painting needs to be compelling at three inches, three feet and thirty feet. That’s simple enough, but how does the artist make that happen?
Real art in the age of selfies

Real art in the age of selfies

Carol L. DouglasJan 13, 20234 min read
Instead of decorating your room with posters of famous art that sold for millions, buy original art that moves you.
Your daily rejection

Your daily rejection

Carol L. DouglasJan 11, 20233 min read
We hate rejection, but it’s a fact of life in the arts. What’s important is what we do with it.
Monday Morning Art School: don’t worry about AI just yet

Monday Morning Art School: don’t worry about AI just yet

Carol L. DouglasJan 9, 20234 min read
The greatest ability we have in painting isn’t our technical skill (as important as that is) but our human intellect, both rational and emotional. The 20th century movement towards content-free art is over, because it can be done better and faster by machines. It doesn’t matter if you’re painting abstraction or landscape; start thinking about what the higher meaning of your work is. If it’s not there, you can be replaced by a computer.