
Blog posts

When automation stops being automatic

When automation stops being automatic

Carol L. DouglasAug 24, 20233 min read
When automation works, it’s wonderful, but when it fails, it’s difficult for the working artist to find answers.
Monday Morning Art School: the perspective of clouds

Monday Morning Art School: the perspective of clouds

Carol L. DouglasAug 20, 20235 min read
Drawing clouds—like everything else—is all about measuring angles and distances. But the nifty thing about clouds is that in two minutes they’re totally different. Sneaky little devils.
Living and painting close to nature

Living and painting close to nature

Carol L. DouglasAug 17, 20234 min read
These signs were how people predicted the weather before the National Weather Service deployed legions of meteorologists and supercomputers to do it for us.
Painting Massachusetts’ wilderness

Painting Massachusetts’ wilderness

Carol L. DouglasAug 15, 20234 min read
. If you really want to know New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, you have to get out of town and head for the hills.
Monday Morning Art School: easels to avoid, and ones to love

Monday Morning Art School: easels to avoid, and ones to love

Carol L. DouglasAug 13, 20234 min read
Cheap pochade boxes and plein air easels are often a false economy. They’re not robust or well-designed, and you just end up replacing them sooner rather than later.