Completed portfolio: Sandy Puifong Quang
Sandy Puifong Quang is 19 and will graduate from Monroe Community College in May with an AS in liberal arts and a GPA of around 3.5. Although she has always loved design, Sandy didn’t know she loved art until she began taking studio classes at MCC. Sandy speaks three dialects of Chinese along with some …
Completed portfolio: Zeyuan Chen
Zeyuan Chen is 17 and will graduate from Brighton High School in June with three APs and a GPA of around 3.7. Ze emigrated from Kunming Prefecture at age 9. Her native language is Mandarin but she speaks flawless English. Ze’s father is a professor in China and her mother trained as a mathematician but …
Paint Taos June 15-21, 2008
Save $100Register by February 20, 2008Esplanade Travel (718) [email protected] Along the Rio Grande, by little old me June is the perfect time for plein air painting in Taos! Join workshop instructors Shelli Robiner-Ardizzone and Carol L. Douglas and experience the beauty and majesty of the western landscape that captivated Georgia O’Keeffe, Nicolai Fechin and many …
Handle with care
The saddest sound in the studio is the plink of a pastel stick shattering on the floor. (It sounds like the ka-ching of a cash register.) But there are many ways to damage pastels. A student had stored these pastels in a nylon carrier which holds six plastic boxes. Each box contained a selection of …
The Magi in Alabama
John has posted his comments about the Adoration of the Magi in the Snow at The Shepherd’s Staff. He paints a wonderful word picture of Alabama which is well worth reading.