Enough about those kids!
One of my adult students, Anne Christner, with her pastel portrait of her daughter Sarah. It’s an excellent likeness, and a real step forward. Brava, Anne!
The Kung Fu Fighters are both accepted at Pratt
Not only were they both accepted, but both were awarded Presidential Merit Scholarships. Good going, girls!
Trip to Ghost Ranch in Abiquiú, NM added to Taos workshop
“When I got to New Mexico, that was mine.” That was how Georgia O’Keeffe described her instant love for northern New Mexico, which she first visited in 1917 Although she never owned Ghost Ranch, she eventually purchased a small home there and later a home in nearby Abiquiú. (Learn more about Ghost Ranch here.) We …
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The Kung Fu Fighters
I have recently had the opportunity to work with two young artists preparing portfolios for college. (Their work follows in the posts below.) They are laughingly called my Art Slaves since they have been in my studio seven days a week. One of my adult students wondered why they make such swift progress and she …
Completed portfolio: Sandy Puifong Quang
Sandy Puifong Quang is 19 and will graduate from Monroe Community College in May with an AS in liberal arts and a GPA of around 3.5. Although she has always loved design, Sandy didn’t know she loved art until she began taking studio classes at MCC. Sandy speaks three dialects of Chinese along with some …