How to set up a field sketch, for my students’ edification
Cottage at Sea Breeze, 12X16″ oil sketch This is for my students… a primer in setting up a painting. This is not a finished painting, and it’s probably a bit on the “tight” side since I was doing it solely to demonstrate how I want them to work tomorrow, but so be it. My goal …
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Painting on a dock on the bay…
I spent a few hours on Irondequoit Bay this morning, painting Mayer’s Marina, across the swing bridge in Webster (a hundred feet by water, miles away by car until the bay closes to marine traffic and the swing bridge is moved back into place). Nothing brilliant, just an exploratory oil sketch. A more finished picture …
Travels with Friends: Recent landscape paintings of Carol L. Douglas
I called this show “Travels with Friends” because most of these paintings were done with either Marilyn Feinberg or Kristin Zimmermann. A great plein air partner is a true treasure. Erie Canal, 40X30, oil on canvas Saturday, May 7 · 11:00am – 4:00pm Cobblestone Gallery The Mendon Academy of Arts & Moveme nt 16 Mendon …
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Skelly in love (bloom where you are planted)
If I could get painting students to do one thing, it would be to draw every day. It’s cheap—$5 will buy you a sketchbook, graphite pencil and eraser—convenient, and portable, and the fastest way to see progress. But so few people take me up on that suggestion. This hasn’t been a productive year, art-wise. I’ve …
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Meme of the Day—Kim Jong Il Looking at Things
Abi’s stuffed opossum and green wine glasses, 8X6″, oil on canvas Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things is my current favorite blog. I suppose it amuses me because it reduces a frightening, insane tyrant to an object of ridicule. (I sure hope he doesn’t see it and melt half of Asia in response.) Much of the …
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