
Blog posts

What’s your default setting?

What’s your default setting?

Carol L. DouglasAug 31, 20234 min read
In art, a need for safety isn’t usually helpful. If risk-taking doesn’t come naturally, how can you grow more comfortable with it?
If it’s that stressful, it’s not sustainable

If it’s that stressful, it’s not sustainable

Carol L. DouglasAug 29, 20234 min read
Creativity may look easy, but artists invest incredible effort to create that impression. Art, if done right, is both mentally and physically difficult.
Monday Morning Art School: the color of fall

Monday Morning Art School: the color of fall

Carol L. DouglasAug 27, 20234 min read
Autumn is my favorite season for painting and sailing. The days are warm, the nights are cool, and the colors are glorious.
When automation stops being automatic

When automation stops being automatic

Carol L. DouglasAug 24, 20233 min read
When automation works, it’s wonderful, but when it fails, it’s difficult for the working artist to find answers.
Monday Morning Art School: the perspective of clouds

Monday Morning Art School: the perspective of clouds

Carol L. DouglasAug 20, 20235 min read
Drawing clouds—like everything else—is all about measuring angles and distances. But the nifty thing about clouds is that in two minutes they’re totally different. Sneaky little devils.