How much should I charge for that painting, anyway?
Charge by the inch, of course. (I’m not kidding.) This is the most emotionally-fraught question I hear from beginning painters. You can simplify the issue greatly by setting aside your emotional involvement with your art and basing your selling price on the size of the piece and your selling history. If you’ve never sold anything …
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More on that winnowing thing
Everything I’ve sorted so far pales in comparison to the business of sorting paintings with a critical eye… there are works that aren’t mine, works I can’t assess the quality of, and works I hope to finish some day. The Duchy is perched on the side of Rochester’s only hill. This makes it prone to …
Why do mermaids wear shell bras?
I can do anything when I have bungee cords, including painting on all sides of a buoy. (Yesterday’s objections retracted.) It was 54°, rumbling, and pouring rain here this morning. Nobody wanted to be outside; my suggestions to walk were summarily rejected by my son, my husband, and my personal coach, in that order. So …
What did the sea say to the mermaid?
It’s a Merdonna and Child. Or something. When this buoy arrived in the mail a few weeks ago, certain members of my family were flummoxed. “Who sent us an oversized dreidel?” Since I was expecting it, I recognized it for what it was, but then wondered whether it was supposed to go dreidel-side up or …
Hey, Carol, what am I supposed to buy for this workshop?
Years ago, I took a figure workshop from a well-known American figure painter. On receiving his supply list, I noted several pigments that are not normally on my palette. Two were transparent earth colors; one was Naples yellow; one was cadmium green. I duly bought them, took the workshop, and came home having never touched …
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