
Blog posts


Talking about polygamy with Michelle

Carol L. DouglasMar 10, 20132 min read
The Servant, 36X40, oil on canvas This week I fasted with my pals from Americans Against the Abuses of Polygamy. Our fast took the form of unrelieved beans and water, because sources inside the FLDShave said that this is what the kids of that community are living on. The children are doing religious penance for …

Where the Sea Meets the Sky: Painting Maine in the footsteps of Winslow Homer, George Bellows, Rockwell Kent, and the Wyeths

Carol L. DouglasMar 3, 20133 min read
See here for more information. See a brochure here. “Sunset at Marshall’s Point” oil on canvas, 8X6 “This was the best painting instruction I have ever had. Carol’s advice in color mixing was particularly eye-opening. Her explanations are clear and easy to understand. She is very approachable and supportive. I would take this course again in a heartbeat.” …

How not to pack for outdoor painting

Carol L. DouglasFeb 24, 20133 min read
Two men look out through the same bars:One sees the mud, and one the stars.                               (Rev. Frederick Langbridge) Chambered Nautilus, 1956, Tempera on panel, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art I spent the week in Maine, reconnoitering for my summer workshops, and …

Why does any bird sing?

Carol L. DouglasFeb 10, 20132 min read
The above cartoon has been making the rounds among my musician friends this week, and for good reason. Maya Angelou said the caged bird sings for freedom, but in fact birds—caged or free—sing because their songs are hardwired into them. The mother of a young performer said to me recently, “She has always been a …

I’ve been looking forward to this!

Carol L. DouglasFeb 6, 20131 min read
My website is online as of today. It’s not a finished piece of work, and has been beset with difficulties, including a hijacked URL, but here it is: https://www.watch-me-paint.com/ The website has an RSS feed from this blog, so I went back and captured an image of it with this post repeating itself. Call this …