
Blog posts


About that Dove Beauty thing

Carol L. DouglasApr 18, 20133 min read
High school self-portrait from life by Zeyuan Chen, now a graduate student at UC Davis. My newsfeed is full of comments about Dove Real Beauty Sketches. I tried to watch it, but couldn’t get past the first three seconds. A woman with impossibly thin thighs—automatically triggering envy in 99.9% of female viewers—was whining about wanting …

Is anyone out there?

Carol L. DouglasApr 17, 20132 min read
A constantly-changing installation on my morning route. I’m sure many people just run right through it, judging by how frequently it’s been kicked around when I get there. Sometimes I produce artwork that goes into galleries, where people come to say nice things about it (and occasionally even buy some). Other times, I produce work …

Process vs. Product

Carol L. DouglasApr 16, 20132 min read
Gesture drawings are just so cool. My son is curled up in a chair making skins for Minecraft. He likes animating, drawing, electronic music, writing games, programming, and—of course—video games. He’s a kid, and kids have an ability to slip into activities with no regard for their value. It’s a trait that usually eludes us …

Carol and Carol make a break for it

Carol L. DouglasApr 15, 20132 min read
Let’s call it Genesee River in Full Spate. 9X12, oil on canvasboard, by li’l ol’ me. Remember a few weeks ago I suggestedyou get your outdoor painting kits together because eventually it would stop snowing? Evidently, that was a case of “do as I say, not as I do,” because the fair day finally dawned …

Three Abstractions in Search of a Conclusion

Carol L. DouglasApr 14, 20133 min read
Any project that’s a fun project is already a successful project. My collaborators, pals, and students: Catherine Bullinger and Brad Van Auken. This being the dirty shirt-tail of a long winter, we inmates are longing for color. Three of us hit upon the scheme of collaborating on non-objective paintings. We would switch canvases each week …