
Blog posts


That fine line between art and erotica

Carol L. DouglasMay 6, 20133 min read
Hermaphrodite, Mateo Bonarelli, 1652, Prado “Son of Hermes and Aphrodite, Hermaphrodite was a singularly handsome youth. According to Ovid (Metamorphoses 4, 285 ff.) Salmacis, the nymph from a lake in Caria, was enthralled by his beauty and passionately embraced him while he was bathing. Their two bodies merged as one, with double gender. “This sculpture, commissioned …

I’ve never painted in a little black dress before

Carol L. DouglasMay 5, 20132 min read
Carey Corea’s mural for ABVI On Saturday, June 1, I will be painting a live plein air painting for the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired’s (ABVI) Play It Forward hosted by Macy’s. This event is to celebrate ABVI’s construction of an Outdoor Mobility Training Area, which will help visually-impaired children and adults learn to more …

The truth is, I have no friggin’ idea what I’m doing.

Carol L. DouglasMay 3, 20133 min read
Spring in Glen Park, 10X12, oil on canvas, by little ol’ me. I once watched Lee Haber finish a lovely painting at Rye Painters on Location in less time than it took me to fall over my easel. I really admire plein air painters who never seem to “flail around” (as my pal Brad Marshall …

Another Roadside Attraction

Carol L. DouglasMay 2, 20132 min read
Sketch of a commercial building somewhere in Binghamton, NY, done from a diner window. Sadly, I could never find it again, and they had really good pie. Yesterday I was flipping through a used-up sketchbook, and came across this little watercolor done many years ago. It’s another roadside scene en route to New York City; …

Go see this show!

Carol L. DouglasMay 1, 20133 min read
Those of you in the mid-Hudson region ought to run, not walk, to see Bruce Bundock’s show at the Rosendale CafĂ©, which opens this Sunday. He’s simply the best plein air draftsman around, but that distinction would be meaningless without his palpable empathy for the lives of regular folks. He’s painted iconic buildings, but he …