
Blog posts


The old folks flit, the young fly home

Carol L. DouglasMay 19, 20132 min read
Drawing by Kamillah Ramos, an architecture student at SUNY Buffalo I’m always a bit shocked when my former students return from college, for every year they come home with more mature features and more adult demeanor. May is the month when seasoned students flit and youngsters fly home, at least for a little while. The …

To each their own, within limits of course…

Carol L. DouglasMay 17, 20133 min read
Look, Ma! No red! The red tones are made of quinacridone violet and  cadmium orange. (Finger Lakes marshes in autumn, 14X18, oil on canvasboard) JG writes: What red do you like for plein air painting? Are there any substitutes for cadmium red that work as well but are cheaper? Dear JG: I have pigments I …

Painting at the Lilac Festival with my young friends

Carol L. DouglasMay 16, 20132 min read
Lilac Festival, Highland Park, 11X14, oil on canvas, by little ol’ me. My Jewish neighbors are celebrating Shavuot, which commemorates the day God gave the Torah to the nation of Israel. We Christians will observe Pentecostthis coming Sunday, when we will commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. The two holidays are closely related, and they are both based on …

I’m honored to have been selected to participate in the 2013 Castine Plein Air Festival

Carol L. DouglasMay 15, 20132 min read
The first year I did Rye’s Painters on Location, I painted a lovely, long, low sailboat from a spot overlooking Mamaroneck Harbor. Living as I do in the Great Lakes basin, I’ve drawn and painted boats frequently enough. What I had overlooked was the tide, which confused me with constant angle changes. My last painting …

Paleo painting

Carol L. DouglasMay 14, 20132 min read
Healthy and high in fiber: paleo painting! (By little ol’ me, of course.) Frankly the paleo food movement seems a little arbitrary to me: vegetables and fruits are ducky; grains and legumes are not, even though all four exist both in the wild and in big agriculture. (I’d examine this more closely, but I’m afraid …