
Blog posts


Hey, Carol, what am I supposed to buy for this workshop?

Carol L. DouglasJun 4, 20133 min read
Years ago, I took a figure workshop from a well-known American figure painter. On receiving his supply list, I noted several pigments that are not normally on my palette. Two were transparent earth colors; one was Naples yellow; one was cadmium green. I duly bought them, took the workshop, and came home having never touched …

In search of the perfect easel

Carol L. DouglasJun 3, 20133 min read
I can handle the Sun-Eden storage because it’s plastic and light. I hate carrying around wooden storage space just because someone else thinks it’s necessary. Of course, there IS no perfect easel, but I do have a perfect palette, and I want an easel deserving of it My current easel took its last gasp at …

Views and Duets

Carol L. DouglasJun 2, 20134 min read
My painting for ABVI’s “Play It Forward.” I know how to defeat this painting for next time I’m asked, BTW. When last I posted, I had just painted with my fellow NYPAP artists* at Olana, the home of Frederic Edwin Church. This event, spearheaded by Marilyn Fairman, is in honor of NYPAP’s founder, Ted Beardsley, …

Painting at Olana

Carol L. DouglasMay 31, 20131 min read
Painting at Olana, the estate of Frederic Church, with fellow members of NYPAP, for the 2nd annual Ted Beardsley Memorial Paintout. Again, I’m a little rushed, but here are snapshots of what I did yesterday. Olana overlook, approaching sunset, 12X16 oil, by little ol’ me. Bea Gustafson painting the sky. My first sketch, about 45 …

Climbing the Catskills in easy stages

Carol L. DouglasMay 30, 20132 min read
The mist through the early morning trees. By the time you’re reading this I’ll have painted all day at Olana at the 2nd Annual Ted Beardsley Memorial Paint-Out. Yesterday I drove to Kingston and saw Bruce Bundock’s fantastic show at the Rosendale CafĂ©, and then on to Jamie Grossman’s lovely home in the Catskills. This …