Pride goeth before a fall
“I managed to not fall,” I said gleefully as we crossed back into Erickson Fields. “In fact, I haven’t fallen one time this whole year.” Which was stupid, since it’s always the downhill slope that gets you.
Monday Morning Art School: ten great reasons to take a plein air workshop
Plein air taught me more about painting then years of intensive studio instruction. Here are ten reasons I think plein air is helpful.
Newfies are famous for their stoicism, muscular build, thick coat and webbed paws. They’re great cold-water swimmers, and this one was a hero.
Why I write this blog
There’s a lot of dreck written about art. It isn’t that difficult, but lard it with lashings of pompous blather, and it rolls off most normal people.
Monday Morning Art School: what should I charge?
A proper price is the intersection of how much you can produce of the product and how much demand there is for it.