
Blog posts

Happiest when painting boats

Happiest when painting boats

Carol L. DouglasApr 18, 20243 min read
If painting boats brings you half the joy it brings me, my work here is complete.
Let’s talk limited palette

Let’s talk limited palette

Carol L. DouglasApr 16, 20243 min read
There are disadvantages to limited palette, but the range you can hit with just three primary colors is amazing.
Monday Morning Art School: framing your work

Monday Morning Art School: framing your work

Carol L. DouglasApr 14, 20245 min read
In response to last week’s post, people asked me to write about framing your work. Even if you never plan to do it, you’ll understand why good framing is expensive.
It’s wicked hard to paint a rainbow

It’s wicked hard to paint a rainbow

Carol L. DouglasApr 11, 20242 min read
Painting rainbows is tough. They’re luminous, shimmering, and there’s really no shift in value. Double rainbows are even harder.
Shunpiking and painting in the north woods

Shunpiking and painting in the north woods

Carol L. DouglasApr 9, 20243 min read
The ice is not out in the north interior yet, so my little waterfall held back ice in a small pond. Painting it made a good diversion as I waited for the eclipse.