Moving from realism to abstraction
There is no such thing as absolute realism in painting. Every style, even the most detailed, is a simplification and abstraction of reality.
The intersection of faith, beauty and practice
The experiences where faith, beauty and practice intersect are very rare. I doubt I’ve had more than half a dozen of them in my career.
Monday Morning Art School: how to photograph paintings when you’re comically inept like me
I don’t do anything well when I’m hot, tired, up against a deadline and thirsty. That means photographing paintings calmly and while there’s still gas in my tank.
How do you respond to colors and memory?
I challenge you to name four or five paintings that you love, without using the internet for prompts. Now look them up. Are they high-chroma, dull, or in a natural chroma range?
From aerobics to art class
Did I ever tell you about my brief career as an aerobics instructor? Turns out teaching an art class was a much better fit.