Looking at summer in my rear-view mirror
Painting should be constant revelation, change and discovery, and you can’t do that without a brush in your hand.
Nothing lasts forever
I’d like to go back. Alas, Sandy tells me the road is washed out. I guess nothing lasts forever.
Top ten painters of all time
What painters have influenced you? Who did I miss on my list? Who would you have never included? And why?
Monday Morning Art School: what is alla prima painting?
Today, there are far more modern painters pursuing alla prima than indirect painting, but one isn’t inherently better than the other. In fact, with new materials solving the age-old problems of chroma and cracking, who knows if indirect painting is due for a rebirth?
Sunset over Cadillac Mountain
Art is not judged by the effort that goes into a particular piece, but by whether it ploughs new ground, challenges ideas, is technically skilled and provokes a response.