All good things must come to an end: my end of year reflections
This evening marks the end of my 2024 gallery season, which at first glance seems silly, as it’s perfect weather in Maine. But I have my reasons.
Independent thinking and group norms
If you’re constantly feeling wrong-footed or inadequate, perhaps the problem isn’t with you, but your tribe.
Monday Morning Art School: setting up a still life
Setting up a still life is good training. There was a period in my life where I painted one every morning. It’s how I learned to paint with assurance.
Two paintings heading west
Sometimes we take risky decisions, and inevitably someone will tell us how to correct our ‘mistake’. Monet never took the safe path; why should I?
Time to ramble, time to party
Immediately after this opening on Oct. 11, I’ll winterize the gallery, pack my SUV and point it into the setting sun.