
Blog posts

Use it or lose it

Use it or lose it

Carol L. DouglasMar 27, 20254 min read
There are some skills, like breathing, that you don’t forget. There are many others that get rusty if they’re not used. Use it or lose it.
The benefits of doodling

The benefits of doodling

Carol L. DouglasMar 25, 20253 min read
Is it coincidence that, as we’ve stopped drawing and making our own music, our society has become so anxiety-laden?
Monday Morning Art School: Abstract Drawing

Monday Morning Art School: Abstract Drawing

Carol L. DouglasMar 23, 20253 min read
Learning to draw non-figuratively frees you to start combining elements in striking new ways. Even if you never want to abandon realism, it will make you a better designer.
I’m an artist; I don’t have a math brain

I’m an artist; I don’t have a math brain

Carol L. DouglasMar 20, 20253 min read
Math is the language that describes every function in our bodies, our planet and our universe. There’s no reason for an artist to be afraid of it.
Left handedness and creativity

Left handedness and creativity

Carol L. DouglasMar 18, 20254 min read
The more you create, the more creative you’ll be. Whether you’re left- or right-handed doesn’t matter.