
Constant overdrive

My strategic plan for 2022 seems to be in tatters. Thatā€™s the price of constant overdrive.

Skylarking, 24X36, oil on canvas, available.

At the end of last year, pastor Quinton Self challenged us to stop with the busy work and focus on what matters. That includes moments of rest. He and I are the same psychological profile (with the test scores to prove it), so when he zings me in a sermon, I figure heā€™s also talking to himself. In February, when heā€™d just finished a fast-paced, five-week teaching program on top of his other work, I asked him: ā€œso, howā€™s that Sabbath rest thing going for you, PQ?ā€ He smiled. Itā€™s a constitutional problem for both of us.

Every year recently Iā€™ve said, ā€œthis is the latest Iā€™ve ever done my taxes.ā€ This yearā€™s record will stand. I canā€™t get much later and not file for an extension. Thatā€™s a terrible idea; it just prolongs the agony. Whatā€™s scary is that I didnā€™t even think about taxes until I was flying back from Phoenix two weeks ago.

Breaking Storm, 48X30, oil on canvas, available.

I had coffee with my Canadian pal Poppy Balser last week. I donā€™t really envy our Canadian neighbors their economic system. However, when Iā€™m calculating income tax, I wish we could streamline our ponderous system and replace it with something like theirs. As a sole proprietor, I keep records on all kinds of things that are irrelevant to the average taxpayerā€”household repairs, utility bills, and the cost of operating my car.

Itā€™s time-consuming and tedious, and Iā€™m good with numbers. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like for my math-phobic fellow artists.

Admin is the curse of all sole proprietors. We write our own ads, maintain our own websites, do our own strategic planning, keep books, and somehow churn out a product. I am, for some reason, drowning in admin right now.

Wreck of the SS Ethie, 18X24, oil on canvas, available.

ā€œDid I ever send you the materials for next yearā€™s ad?ā€ I asked Anthony Anderson of the Maine Gallery Guide yesterday. No, he replied, but if I can get it to him next week, Iā€™ll be fine. I could hire my student Lori Galan or my old friend Victoria Brzustowiczto lay it out for me. Either of them would probably forgive me my hair-raising lateness. However, I donā€™t even have a clue what I want to say. And that ad is the most important one Iā€™ll run all year.

Being in constant overdrive is corrosive. It forces a person to be reactive, batting balls back out as fast as they come in. Instead, intelligent people are proactive, thinking out a strategy and sticking with it.

I did that at the beginning of the year, by the way. Itā€™s in tatters.

Beautiful Dream, 12X16, oil on birch panel, available.

But help is on the way. When weā€™re in overload, things have a way of falling on us and slowing us down. Another Canadian artist friend, Cathy LaChance, put it very succinctly when she was diagnosed with COVID this week: ā€œMy turn to be forced to rest.ā€

Call it the Universe, if you want; I prefer to credit God with this good design. 

The problem with frenetic people is that we are sometimes so busy we canā€™t hear the ā€œstill small voiceā€ of God. Thatā€™s why it is often accompanied by the wind and earthquake (or COVID)ā€”to get our attention.

Iā€™d rather not wait that long.

Paint like youā€™re rich

Being stingy with art supplies will cost you more in the long run.

Terrie’s rig is handmade but very solid. There are many ways to solve the pochade box question, which is why I hesitate to recommend one.Ā 

The discussion started with a student confessing that he didnā€™t mix enough different greens for his painting of a rill riffling through a forest. ā€œI didnā€™t want to waste paint,ā€ he said. ā€œPaint is expensive.ā€ Instead, he wasted paint and time.

ā€œPaint like youā€™re rich,ā€ his classmate told him.

Turns out that was advice from my student and friend Becky Bense.

French easels may be heavy, but at least they work.

I should have known. Becky regularly chides me for my use of cheap watercolor paper for demos. While the paint seems to flow off the brush fine, it dries as if Iā€™d painted with a typewriter. My justification is that Iā€™m trying to demonstrate a principle, not create art. Also, I have a lot of it lying around; it was on sale and I succumbed to the temptation. But Iā€™ve never painted anything good on it and I never will.

If I were a student, Iā€™d be terribly frustrated by the results. Perhaps enough so that I would believe I couldnā€™t paint and would stop trying. I certainly wouldnā€™t learn much.

Then there’s always the picnic-table option.

At my Sedona workshop, two students had pochade boxes from Meeden, a low-end art supply vendor. They fill a niche for the casual hobbyist, but their products are not robust enough for serious painting.

One of these boxes was fatally flawed; its mount was not strong enough to hold the box on the tripod. Had Ed Buonvecchio not lent the student his old field easel, sheā€™d have been unable to paint at all. Sheā€™d flown in from Hawaii, rented a car, reserved a room, bought top-end paints and brushesā€”and was stymied by this weakest link.

I provide detailed supply lists for my classes, but donā€™t specify a brand of pochade box, as there are so many excellent ones out there. It never occurred to me that anyone would buy a Meeden box. No serious art supply stores sell their products.

Minnie Brown combined the French easel with the picnic table option at Sedona.

But if you search Amazon for ā€˜pochade boxā€™, Meeden is the brand that comes up first. And the world of Google throws us another curve. Because Iā€™d just looked at Meeden boxes on Amazon, when I searched for Easy L Pochade Box (a brand I recommend without reservation) I got a series of ads that led me straight back to Meeden. Thereā€™s convenience in online shopping, but a lot of hucksterism, too.

But back to the paint itselfā€”itā€™s a false economy to not squeeze out a proper amount, to paint on bad substrates, or with lousy brushes. It always ends up costing more in time, materials, and lost opportunities. In fact, none of us are rich enough to be stingy with our art supplies.

Speaking of classes, I have a new session starting next week on Zoom. The key to being a good artist is working at it consistently. For busy people, thatā€™s often the hardest part. We meet for three hours weekly to dissect and practice a key element of painting such as design, color, perspective, foliage, value masses, or brushwork. And as the above discussion indicates, a lot of learning goes on from student to student, too.

Iā€™ve taught on Zoom since the start of COVID. A big reason these classes work so well is the support and encouragement my students give each other. You listen, adapt, critique and think through problems as a group, and we are all better for it.

ZOOM morning Session
We meet on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 1 PM EST, on the following dates:
April 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17

ZOOM evening Session
We meet on Mondays from 6 to 9 PM EST, on the following dates:
April 11, 18, 25
May 2, 9, 16

The fee for either six-week session is $235.

All media are welcome. More information can be foundĀ here, or just email me.

Monday Morning Art School: drawing realistic clouds

 Clouds have volume and are subject to the rules of perspective.

Clouds over Whiteface Mountain, oil on canvasboard, available.

Clouds are not flat. The same perspective rules that apply to objects on the ground also apply to objects in the air. We are sometimes misled about that because clouds that appear to be almost overhead are, in fact, a long distance away.

Iā€™ve alluded before to two-point perspective. Iā€™ve never gotten too specific because itā€™s a great theoretical concept but a lousy way to draw. Today Iā€™ll explain it.

A two-point perspective grid. You don’t need to draw all those rays, just the horizon line. The vertical lines indicate the edges of your paper.

Draw a horizontal line somewhere near the middle of your paper. This horizon line represents the height of your eyeballs. Put dots on the far left and far right ends of this line, at the edges of your paper. These are your vanishing points.

All objects in your drawing must be fitted to rays coming from those points. A cube is the simplest form of this. Start with a vertical line; thatā€™s the front corner of your block. It can be anywhere on your picture. Bound it by extending ray lines back to the vanishing points. Make your first block transparent, just so you can see how the rays cross in the back. This is the fundamental building block of perspective drawing, and everything else derives from it. You can add architectural flourishes using the rules I gave for drawing windows and doors that fit.

A cube drawn with perspective rays. It’s that simple.

I’ve included a simple landscape perspective here, omitting some of the backside lines for the sake of clarity.

As a practical tool, two-point perspective breaks down quickly. In reality, those vanishing points are infinitely distant from you. But itā€™s hard to align a ruler to an infinitely-distant point, so we draw finite points at the edges of our paper. They throw the whole drawing into a fake exaggeration of perspective. Thatā€™s why I started with a grid where the vanishing points were off the paper. It doesnā€™t fix the problem, but it makes it less obvious.

All objects can be rendered from that basic cube.

(There is also three-point perspective, which gives us an antā€™s view of things, and four-point perspective, which gives a fish-eye distortion reminiscent of mid-century comic book art. And there are even more complex perspective schemes. At that point, you’ve left painting and entered a fantastical world of technical drawing.)

Basic shapes of clouds using the same perspective grid.

Still, two-point perspective is useful for understanding clouds. Clouds follow the rules of perspective, being smaller, flatter and less distinct the farther they are from the viewer. The difference is that the vanishing point is at the bottom of the object, rather than the top as it is with terrestrial objects.

Cumulus clouds have flat bases and fluffy tops, and they tend to run in patterns across the sky. Iā€™ve rendered them as slabs, using the same basic perspective rules as I would for a house. They may be far more fantastical in shape, but they obey this same basic rule of design.

You can see that basic perspective when looking at a photo of cumulus clouds.

A flight of cumulus clouds or a mackerel sky will be at a consistent altitude. That means their bottoms are on the same plane. However, there can be more than one cloud formation mucking around up there. Thatā€™s particularly true where thereā€™s a big, scenic object like the ocean or a mountain in your vista. These have a way of interfering with the orderly patterns of clouds.

I donā€™t expect you to go outside and draw clouds using a perspective grid. This is for understanding the concept before you tackle the subject. Then youā€™ll be more likely to see clouds marching across the sky in volume, rather than as puffy white shapes pasted on the surface of your painting.

This post was originally published on March 8, 2021.

Growth and change

How does one find oneā€™s purpose as an artist? Should we build that into how we think about our work?

Ravening Wolves, 24X30, oil on canvas, is as close as I get to didacticism these days.

ā€œHow have you grown as a painter in the last ten years?ā€ a student asked me.

My drawing and brushwork arenā€™t much different, but my color choices have certainly changed, as has my ability to relax into abstraction. That doesnā€™t seem like much growth for a decadeā€™s work.

In intangible ways, however, Iā€™ve changed a lotā€”Iā€™m far less anxious about the outcome, and less didactic in my subject matter. Iā€™ll never focus on figure as I was doing a decade ago. Although Iā€™m proud of the work I did about womenā€™s issues, Iā€™ll never paint that subject again. Which reminds me: this is the last weekend youā€™ll see Censored and Poetic at the Rye Arts Center; it ends Saturday night.

Main Street, Owlā€™s Head, 16X20, oil on archival gessoboard

Ten years ago, I was still wrestling with the legitimacy of my calling. Those of you who were raised thinking that art wasnā€™t a ā€˜realā€™ career understand that. Today, I barely remember the question. Iā€™m an artist because itā€™s all I know how to do.

Which leads me to the second question I received this week: ā€œHow does one find purpose? How have artists done it over time? Should we build that into how we think about our work?

ā€œI see people at figure sessions banging out the exact same thing over and over. I get the impression, from talking to them, that they have been doing that, or variations of that, for years on end. And they aren’t that good. Why do these people show up? Something to do?ā€

Spring Greens, 8×10, oil on canvasboard

Iā€™m the last person to denigrate regular practice, and figure is one area where that is particularly important. If I had the time right now, Iā€™d go to my local life drawing class myself. Itā€™s good exercise and I like the people who attend.

But I have known people who never progress past that. They were taking classes 25 years ago and are still doing that today. Some are stuck because they have day jobs. Some arenā€™t that skilled but enjoy the process. Some are excellent painters, but uninterested in making it a career. Amateur status is nothing to be sneezed at.

Iā€™ve also had students whoā€™ve just gone through a major traumaā€”an unwanted divorce or job separation. They were floundering and it gave them an anchor. Creativity is cheaper than therapy and for many it serves as well. When they worked out their next step, they moved on from art.

Midnight at the Wood Lot, 12X16, oil on canvasboard

But there are always that few who want to make art their lifeā€™s work. For them, the question of artistic purpose is critical. Itā€™s inextricably bound up in oneā€™s life purpose. Your work ought to be an expression of your thoughts or feelings, or itā€™s meaningless.

When I was younger, I thought that my purpose was didactic. Today, Iā€™d be hard-pressed to put my mission statement into words, but it has something to do with glorifying Creation and helping people feel connected to it. Thatā€™s tied to my faith, but I donā€™t feel a need to preach through my paintings.

That, too, may change as I get older. Oneā€™s mission and calling in life is fluid. The important thing is to have the tools at our disposal to answer whatever comes up. And thatā€™s where all those weeks and years in art class come in.

Whoops, I should have listened to Ed

The human brain has an unfortunate tendency to skip over the parts of a plan it doesnā€™t like.

Desert long view, 9X12, oil on canvasboard, $696 unframed.

I never expected to be flying back from my workshop in Sedona with four wet canvases, so I only brought a two-canvas PanelPak. Whoops, bad planningā€”but it was based on prior experience. I seldom have time for anything but a basic demo when teaching workshops.

ā€œDo you want me to mail those?ā€ Ed Buonvecchio, my monitor, asked me. No, I could jury-rig something using waxed-paper and an elastic band. Iā€™ve done it many times before, but this time, something slid. My dawn painting of the Grand Canyon smeared. Whoops, I should have accepted help when it was offered.

Camel Head, 9X12, oil on canvasboard, $696 unframed.

Oh, well. That gave me the opportunity to demonstrate glazing to my Monday night Zoom class, but I think the painting is irreparably damaged. It will have to be completely repainted, and at that point itā€™s no longer plein air, meaning Iā€™m no longer interested.

That happened after I dropped both Grand Canyon paintings jelly-side down on the sidewalk. Whoops, I should have made two trips to the car.

Thatā€™s not usually a deadly problem, as I tend to paint leaner in the field than in the studio. Thin paint sticks to the canvas better than its juicy cousin. The twigs and leaf litter will brush out when the paintings are fully dry.

South Rim of the Grand Canyon, 9X12, oil on canvasboard, $696 unframed.

ā€œDo you always do a value sketch first?ā€ Ed asked meā€”with a small dash of skepticismā€”during the workshop.

ā€œOnly when I want my painting to come out well,ā€ I replied.

The human brain has an unfortunate tendency to skip over the parts of a plan it doesnā€™t like, and the less articulated the plan, the more opportunities for bad assumptions. The consequences have come to be known as Murphyā€™s Law: anything that can go wrong, will.

We see that law of unintended consequences in every endeavor, not just painting. Looking back on mistakes, we can almost always identify where we went wrong. ā€œIf only Iā€™dā€¦ā€ is our universal response. Advance planning canā€™t eliminate all disasters, but it sure cuts down on them.

Painting, super-briefly, at the Grand Canyon.

Planning means different things to different painters. To many (including me) itā€™s a simple, rough value sketch or notanoutlining the basic composition. To others, like Andrew Wyeth, it means a complex series of sketches working out all the problem areas in a painting.

But there is no planning hack in art that allows you to skim over the critical composition questions.

ā€œI donā€™t want to spend all my time doing a sketch!ā€ one student complained. Itā€™s a common misconception that a painting moves faster and is more visceral if we donā€™t spend time on the value sketch and grisaille. But a painting without a plan takes longer to finish, is more tentative, and often is just a hopeful approximation of what we first envisioned.

But at dawn at the Grand Canyon, I ignored my own oft-stated instructions. Like everyone else, I have excuses: I was exhausted, it was still pitch-black, and the light would change fast. The result was a sub-optimal composition. So, Iā€™m not really that heartbroken that the painting was ruined by my bad packing. It was the only one of the four that I was ambivalent about.

Monday Morning Art School: Creativity loves constraints

Two things I learned teaching my workshop last week.

Kamillah Ramos at the Grand Canyon.

I start each class and workshop by handing my students protocols for painting in oils and watercolor. ā€œIf you follow these steps,ā€ I tell them, ā€œyou will understand how to paint.ā€ These instructions are not unique; theyā€™re how most successful artists work through drawing, composition, and paint application.

Just try it for the length of the class, I tell them. If it doesnā€™t improve your painting, go back to what you were doing before. But Iā€™m confident that following this traditional approach works. Anyways, most people take painting classes because they recognize that something in their system isnā€™t working. 

A set of step-by-steps is oddly liberating. Working out the problems in advance leads to looser and more lyrical brushwork.

Student Becca Wilson responded by telling me that there’s a phrase for this: ā€œcreativity loves constraints.ā€ Bam.

The idea that limits can lead to extraordinary creative output seems counterintuitive. After all, the creative pursuits (and particularly the visual arts) are often thought to be about feelings and thus limit- and rule-free. In reality, theyā€™re quite the opposite. Every creative pursuit has its own established practice, and painting is no exception.

Constraints set up processes within which problems can be solved. Separating painting into discrete stepsā€”value study, color mixing and then, finally, brushworkā€”helps cut it down into manageable pieces. Only when you can do the steps automatically will you find your authentic, unique artistic voice.

Kamillah Ramos and I were painting on Mather Point at 5:30 AM yesterday morning. This is a busy time at the Grand Canyon. The weather is good and schools are on spring break. Hundreds of people came by in the 4.5 hours we were painting, and many of them stopped to ask us questions or comment on our work.

ā€œThere’s nothing like plein air painting for changing the vibe of a place,ā€ Kamillah said. Sheā€™s so right.

Our workshop painted in six separate locations in Sedona, which was also jam-packed with tourists. People might have found our presence irritating, but instead they were interested and enthusiastic. In fact, in decades of painting outside, Iā€™ve had universally-positive reactions from passers-by.

Artists are very much a cultural and economic asset, and thatā€™s worth remembering.

(Sorry this is brief but Iā€™m about to board a red-eye to Portland.)

Where is the line between art and craft?

The line between art and craft is a modern one, and itā€™s resulted in banal, boorish and ultimately meaningless work being foisted on us as art.

Carved cravat, c. 1690, Grinling Gibbons, courtesy Victoria & Albert Museum

ā€œWas Grinling Gibbons an artist or a craftsman?ā€ a student asked. Itā€™s a fascinating question, and one that points out how weā€™ve changed our ideas about human thought and endeavor.

The term intellectual is a recent invention, first written down in 1813, by of all people, Lord Byron (a man who was anything but). Prior to that, the literati would have been known as men of letters. They were literate in a time when many people werenā€™t. It wasnā€™t until the 20th century that the term acquired distinct social cachet and came to mean a person who was educated, artistic, and worked mainly in the realm of ideas.

Grinling Gibbons, c. 1690, after Godfrey Kneller, courtesy National Portrait Gallery

Grinling Gibbons was born in Rotterdam in 1648 to British parents. He learned to carve in the Netherlands before emigrating to London. He rapidly attracted attention from the highest circles, scoring his first Royal Commission in 1675. He went on to be the most celebrated master-carver of his day. His portrait was painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller, whose subjects included ten reigning European monarchs, Isaac Newton, John Locke, and the members of the Kit-Kat Club. In other words, Gibbons was working and living with the crĆØme de la crĆØmeof British society.

So why, in the 21st century, do we call Kneller an artist and Gibbons a craftsman? They would not have made such a distinction themselves.

The Stoning of St Stephen, c. 1680-1700, Grinling Gibbons, courtesy Victoria & Albert Museum

Historically, painters and sculptors were held in low regard. The Greeks had nine muses for the arts, andā€”pointedlyā€”none of them were visual artists. Sculptors and painters were thought of as manual laborers, barely above slaves in the social order. Thatā€™s not because they werenā€™t any good; Greek sculpture, in particular, approached the sublime.

Itā€™s just that, prior to the middle of the 18thcentury, fine artists were considered craftsmen, along with jewelers, weavers, and everyone else who made consumer goods. While they may have been very successful and well-paid, they had no intellectual pretensions.

The Enlightenment changed all this, by casting artists in the role of communicating the civic virtues. This raised their status from artisans to gentlemen. Their training moved from the old apprenticeship/atelier model to formal art schools.

The Enlightenment also brought us the Cult of Genius, with its handmaidens, Feeling and Creativity. The artist no longer primarily tried to render beautiful images; he was engaged in profound and creative thought.

Limewood carving of musical instruments, c. 1690, Grinling Gibbons, courtesy National Trust Images/Andreas von Einsiedel

Grinling Gibbonsā€™ medium was wood, and it was used for decoration. Thereā€™s a modern assumption that thereā€™s nothing profound about beauty, so the artist-as-craftsman is sadly out of touch with our times.

Western society has become caught in a trap where our civic virtues are now considered liabilities. This is vividly demonstrated in the stark contrast between our own dissection of shared values at the same time as Ukraine fights to the death to preserve theirs.

The focus on ā€˜geniusā€™ is what has landed us in the modern dilemma of having so much banal, boorish, casual and ultimately meaningless material foisted on us as art. The intellectual mind can always be seduced by the idea of transgression, whereas a craftsman generally seeks to raise his standards to the highest degree possible. Given that this is the modern dividing line, Iā€™d personally prefer to come down on the side of craft.

The famous vortexes of Sedona

ā€œIt’s not about measurable facts, it’s about what you know in your gut is real.ā€

The only thing I’ve managed to paint this week has been this 9X12 demo.

Painters and photographers know thereā€™s a dead period in the middle of the day. The long raking shadows of early morning or the beautiful golden light of afternoon are ideal for building a composition and matching colors. The harsh midday sun, with its bleached color, is more suited for listening to the instructor drone on.

In Maine, that dead hour hits at about 11 AM. Here in Sedona in March, itā€™s been showing up about 1:30 in the afternoon. Arizona is in Mountain Time, but they donā€™t observe Daylight Savings Time (DST), except in the Navajo nation. That puts us three hours behind Maine, where we just switched over to DST ten days ago. Neither my body nor my mind has any idea of what time it is.

The Sedona Arts Center is a very lovely facility in which to teach. (Photo courtesy Ed Buonvecchio)

Iā€™m in Sedona teaching a six-day workshop through the Sedona Arts Center. The star of the show is, of course, the place. Sedona is a village of 10,000 people plopped down in the clefts of spectacular eroded red sandstone. As it weathered over the eons, it left buttes that rear up from 800 feet to 1,000 feet high. Twisted and carved by wind and water, they loom over the town in every direction.

This is probably why Sedona attracts a variety of spiritual and alternative-medicine practices. There are four areas which are called by the ā€œvortexesā€, described as ā€œswirling centers of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation and self-exploration.ā€ Theyā€™re all conveniently located where the hiking is easy, so tourists can get there without a lot of extra work.

Red rock spires are everywhere, looming over the town.

The vortexes were made famous in 1980 by psychic channeler Page Bryant and her spirit-world sidekick, Albion. According to her blog, Page ā€œoffer[ed] a number of services, including intuitive readings, Star Charts, subscription-based channeled messages from her spirit teacher, Albion, and private lessons on a wide range of topics.  She also [sold] her beautiful knitted, crocheted, and beaded work and her custom-designed jewelry ā€” all of which has been inspired by working with the ā€˜wee peopleā€™ (fairies and elves).ā€

Bryant studied under Sun Bear, a self-proclaimed medicine man of Ojibwe descent. Sun Bearā€™s theology was a mishmash of various indigenous traditions, and traditional healers repudiated him. He attracted spiritual seekers from outside his community. They paid handsomely for the privilege. The heirs of Bryant and Sun Bear are classic American entrepreneurs bringing salt-healing, channeling, and other New Age mystical experiences to roughly three million visitors a year.

Iā€™m a spiritual practitioner myself. I donā€™t think the metaphysical is testable. However, my own practice (white-bread Christianity) makes no claims to energy. In physics, energy is the capacity to do work, and thatā€™s measurable.

Me, teaching. (Photo courtesy Ed Buonvecchio)

A brief search of the internet revealed no scientific literature on the subject, but certainly sucked me into a swirl of believers. As one wrote, ā€œIt’s not about measurable facts, it’s about what you know in your gut is real.ā€

Seeking God in nature is, in fact, an ancient spiritual practice. Job, the oldest book in the Bible (and therefore the oldest continuous religious text in existence), says:

ā€œBut ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?ā€

It’s impossible to be in this majestic place and not see Godā€™s handiwork. Iā€™ll be generous and believe thatā€™s the truth that Bryant and Sun Bear were muddling towards.

Monday Morning Art School: itā€™s plein air season

How can you get the most from a workshop or class? Here are some simple suggestions.

Early Spring, Beech Hill, 12X16, oil on canvas board, $1449 framed.

Iā€™ve been to enough beauty spots in this world that few really astonish me, but the red rocks of Sedona managed it. Brilliant cliffs and spires of sculpted sandstone soar directly above the town. After seeing a dozen or so sites, I turned to my monitor, Ed Buonvecchio, and said, ā€œItā€™s all wonderful.ā€

Iā€™m here to teach the first workshop of my season, and it feels great to be out of the cool damp of the northeast, although the temperature there is steadily rising. Iā€™ll be going home to spring painting and itā€™s time to get prepared.

Lupines and woods, 8X10, oil on canvasboard, $522 unframed.

How can you get the most from a workshop or class? Here are some simple suggestions:

Study the supply list.

Note that I didnā€™t say, ā€œrun right out and buy everything on it.ā€ Every teacher has a reason for asking for specific materials. In my case, itā€™s that I teach a system of paired primaries. You canā€™t understand color theory without the right starting pigments. Another teacher might have beautiful mark-making. If you donā€™t buy the brushes he suggests, how are you going to understand his technique?

A tube of cadmium green that I once bought for a workshop and never opened still rankles. I never want to do that to one of my students. When you study with me, I want you to read my supply lists. If something confuses you, or you think you already have a similar item, email and ask.

Spring Greens, 8X10, oil on canvasboard, is available through the Rye Arts Center.

Bring the right clothes.

Iā€™d forgotten that I didnā€™t have enough warm-weather painting clothes to take to Arizona; I retired most at the end of last year. It was warm in Phoenix but just 50Ā° in Sedona yesterday. That means a variety of clothing, because youā€™ll be chilled in the evenings but might need shorts and a tee-shirt during the day. Layer, baby, layer.

I send my students a packing list for clothes and personal belongings. If youā€™re going on the Age of Sail, Shary will send you a different list, meant for a boat. Follow these instructions, especially in the matter of insect repellent and sunscreen. Bugs and skin cancer are, unfortunately, eternal verities.

End of winter, Wyoming, 8X10, oil on canvasboard, $522 unframed. It will be much warmer when I teach there in September.

Know what youā€™re getting into.

ā€œHow can you stand this? Itā€™s all so green!ā€ an urban painter once said to me after a week in the Adirondacks.

There are amenities in Sedona, but not in other places I teach. If youā€™re dependent on your latte macchiato, you may find the wilderness uncomfortable at first. There are compensatory attractions. Last night I listened to a duet sung by a coyote and a domestic dog. It was magical.

Be prepared to get down and dirty.

Iā€™m not talking about the outdoors here, Iā€™m talking about change and growth. I am highly competitive myself, so itā€™s difficult for me to feel like Iā€™m struggling. However, itā€™s in challenging ourselves that we make progress. Use your teacherā€™s method while youā€™re at the workshop, even if you feel like youā€™ve stepped back ten years in your development. Thatā€™s a temporary problem.

You can disregard what you learn when you go home, or incorporate only small pieces into your technique, but you traveled to be challenged, and you canā€™t do that if you cling to what you know.

Connect with your classmates

I know painters from all over the US. I met most of them in plein air events. Thereā€™s power in those relationships. Exchange email addresses. Keep in contact. Follow them on Instagram or Twitter.
Take good notes.

Listen for new ideas, write down concepts, and above all, ask questions. If your teacher canā€™t stop and answer them mid-stream, save them for after the demo.

Whatā€™s the matter with this picture?

If young womenā€”who should be the most interested in changing thisā€”cling to outmoded and incorrect ideas about the value of womenā€™s art, is there any hope?

Pull up your big girl panties, at Rye Arts Center this month.

I am not going to have the time to write a proper blog. Portland Jetport has been like a morgue for the last few years, but today itā€™s packed (and therefore slower to clear TSA than normal). America is on the move, and thatā€™s a good thing.

But Iā€™d like to point out a repeated conversation Iā€™ve had this week. Itā€™s been with people of both genders and all ages, but the worrisome part to me is how many young women have told me that itā€™s not true that you canā€™t tell menā€™s and womenā€™s paintings apart. Thatā€™s something I mentioned in my talk in Rye, here (scroll down), and in my blog post, here. That was, in some cases, even after they ā€˜failedā€™ the test below. They made excuses.

Michelle reading, at Rye Arts Center this month.

There have been many studies worldwide that document this phenomenon. The most exhaustive was done in 2017. It analyzed 1.5 million auction transactions in 45 countries, and found a 47.6% gender discount in prices. The discount was worst (unsurprisingly) in countries with greater overall gender disparity.

My painting pal Chrissy Pahucki questioned whether it was different for plein air painters, so she ran a test among her middle school students. I shared the test with my adult students, and, last I heard, the guesses were in the same range as random chanceā€”around 51.95% correct guesses.

Saran Wrap Cynic, at Rye Arts Center this month.

I can’t take it because I can identify too much of the work, but perhaps you can. Try to avoid looking at the signatures if you can see them.

Hereā€™s the link. Iā€™m curious if a bigger sample will show a different result, but I doubt it.

As for what I can do to change attitudes about the gender pay disparity in painting, Iā€™m at a loss. If young womenā€”who should be the most interested in changing thisā€”cling to outmoded and incorrect ideas about the value of womenā€™s art, is there any hope?

Iā€™m off to teach my workshop in Sedona and boarding in just a few minutes. Iā€™ll revisit this soon, I promise.