
About the Artist

Carol Douglas paints and teaches in Rockport, Maine.

She has taught workshops in Arizona, Maine, New Mexico, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts and New York, and teaches aboard schooner American Eagle. Her work has been shown in galleries across the United States. Her daily blog, Watch Me Paint, is ranked fifth among the top art blogs by Feedspot. Douglas studied with Nicki Orbach, Cornelia Foss, and Joseph Peller at the Art Students League of New York. In 2016, Douglas traveled 10,000 miles across Alaska and Canada over five weeks’ time to paint in the northern backwoods. In 2020, she was stranded in Patagonia during the world pandemic; she just kept painting.

Represented by

Carol L. Douglas Studio and Gallery, Rockport, ME

Recent solo and duo shows

“Censored and Poetic,” duo show with sculptor Anne de Villemejane, Rye Arts Center, Rye, NY, April 2022
“Fantastic Places and Magical Realms,” solo show at Camden Public Library, December 2021
“Welcome Back to Real Life,” solo show at Camden Public Library, November 2021
Solo show at Maine Farmland Trust, Portland, ME. Spring-Summer 2020
“Argentina in Quarantine,” July 2020, Carol L. Douglas Gallery, Rockport, ME
“Midcoast Maine en plein air,” duo show with Midge Coleman, Jackson Memorial Library, Tenants Harbor, ME, Sept-Oct 2019
“Below the Waterline: Seven Weeks at the Shipyard,” Camden Falls Gallery, June-July 2016
“Intersections of Form, Time, Color and Space,” duo show with Stu Chait, RIT’s Dyer Arts Center, July, 2014
“God + Man: Paintings by Carol L. Douglas,” Davison Gallery, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY March/April 2014; reprised at Aviv! Gallery, 321 East Avenue, Rochester, June, 2014.
“Selected landscape paintings,” Solo show, VB Brewery, Victor, NY, March and April 2014,
“Sea and Sky: A personal journey. Selected works by Carol Douglas, Lakewatch Manor’s Artist of the Year”—July 24-October 18, 2013
“Imperfection: Only God can make a tree.” Solo show, Gallery Salon and Spa,
September and October, 2012
“Across Time and Distance,” December, 2011. Chait Gallery, Rochester, NY (show of students’ work)
“Memes & Themes,” October, 2011, Chait Gallery, Rochester, NY (solo, small still lives based on internet memes)
Featured Artist, Irondequoit Inn, Piseco, NY, summer, 2011
(solo show of plein air work done primarily in Adirondacks)
Solo show, May, 2011, The Cobblestone Gallery, Mendon, NY
Riverwinds Gallery, Beacon, NY, May, 2008 (duo with Shelli Ardizzone)
Aviv Gallery, Rochester, NY, November, 2009 (duo with Tony Dungan, mainly figure)
Redfish Gallery, East Aurora, NY, February, 2007 (solo, mix of figure and landscape)
Century Club, Rochester, NY. February, 2006 (solo, mix of figure and landscape)
American Association of University Women, February, 2005 (solo, mix of figure and landscape)

Select juried and invitational shows

Belfast Artworks for Humanity, Belfast ME, 2024, 2023
Camden on Canvas, Camden, ME, 2021-24
Camden Native Plant Celebration (Students of Carol L. Douglas painting show), September 18, 2022
Cape Ann Plein Air, Gloucester, MA, October, 2022
Sedona Plein Air Festival, Merit Award, Sedona, AZ, 2022-24
Juror, Adirondack Plein Air Festival, Saranac Lake, NY, 2022
“200 Years of Farming: A Bicentennial Celebration,” Maine Farmland Trust Gallery, July-October, 2020
“A Reflection on Water,” Maine Farmland Trust Gallery, October 2020-January 2021
Plein Air Brandwine Valley, 2018, 2019, Winterthur, DE Honorable Mention, 2018
Cape Elizabeth Land Trust Paint for Preservation 2018-2021, Annual Wet Paint Auction, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Santa Fe Plein Air Fiesta, Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, 2018
Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival, Parrsboro Creative, 2017-20; Second Runner Up, 2018
Castine Plein Air, Castine Arts Association, 2013-2019
Annual Wet Paint on the Weskeag, South Thomaston, ME, 2016-17; Juror’s Choice Award
First Annual Marginal Way Preservation Fund Auction, Ogunquit, ME, August, 2016
Annual Art in the Park, Ocean Park, ME, 2015-18
Roberts Wesleyan College, “Objects of Grace,” March, 2015
Camden Falls Gallery, “Camden Plein Air,” 2013, 2014, 2018
Rye Arts Center “Painters on Location,” 2006-2019
Saranac Lake Artworks, Adirondack Plein Air, 2013, 2017-19
Clothesline Art Festival, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY, 2003-2009
American Landscapes 2004; Maryland Federation of Art
44th and 49th Annual Chautauqua National Exhibitions
Red Dot Exhibition, 2004, Art Students League


Parrsboro Creative, Parrsboro, NS, artist in residence, July 2019
Joseph A. Fiore Art Center, Jefferson, ME, artist in residence, September 2018

Public collections

St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Rochester, NY: A Child Walks with Jesus—A Lenten Pilgrimage, (pastel, 16 stations)
Assumption of Joseph (oil on canvas)


A Child Walks With Jesus, 16 ppg. St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, 2001
Even From Far Away, 22 ppg. oil on clayboard, 1998


Maine Arts Commission member, 2019-2021
Former Chair: New York Plein Air Painters, 2007; signature member.